Dental Implants

We supply Dental Implants Products with choices, to ensure we provide durable, precise, and efficient productions in time. Find us in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

Dental Implants
Dental Implants

Full Zirconia Screw Retained Bridges

  • Shorter Production Lead Time

  • Stronger than Ceramic Bridges

  • Excellent Aesthetics as zirconia can be stained or layered if required

  • Excellent precision-fitting

  • Reducing plaque retention

CAD CAM Produced:

Cementable Custom Titanium Abutments

  • Designed for excellent aesthetics and stability

  • Superior Strength 

  • Enhancing retention

CAD CAM Produced:

Artisan Produced:

PFM (Porcelain Fused Metal) Based

  • Aesthetically better, closely resemble natural teeth

  • However, it could be more likely to chip compare to zirconia